Zone Read: It’s Rivalry Week

Zone Read: It’s Rivalry Week

Mid-November greetings from the “Zone Read.” Despite the surging COVID numbers and all the issues which accompany them, it’s an exciting time for high school football fans here in Arizona…

Zone Read: Trick or Treat?

Happy Halloween week to all my “Zone Readers.” Thank you, as always, for checking out this column every Thursday and please stay safe this weekend in whatever holiday festivities are…

AZ Audibles: Teams to Watch in 2020

Every week, Sports360AZ’s Sande Charles, Eric Sorenson, and Devon Henry provide stories, facts and tidbits from games they attend and storylines they are keeping an eye on with a roundtable…

Friday Night Rewind: Week Four

Welcome to the latest “Friday Night Rewind” and hope your #FridayNight360AZ weekend is off to a good start. For the second time in three weeks I made the trek to…