The quote-“Most coaching changes allow for a couple of years of a free pass. The free pass on this deal will last about 15 minuets into the 1st spring practice.”
The source- Longtime influential booster of Arizona State athletics
The answer-134-114
The question? Arizona States win/loss record since the 1997 Rose Bowl. My own two cents, mired in mediocrity is no way to go through college football.
The answer-New England Patriots in some form of scouting, front office role
The question? Where will Todd Graham end up for his next football job.
The answer-“Brads been smoking on the pipe, in his support of Ray Anderson”
The source-A longtime Pac-12 assistant football coach, who had the message relayed to me through a mutual friend. By the way, I like cigars. Not a pipe guy. I did chuckle. Yes, my “In Ray I Trust” column
didn’t sit well with most. Love the passion! Bring it!!
The answer-Scooter Molander
The question-Who would be a good name to be the next head football coach at Hamilton