I Married “Up” …

Arizona Sports News online

27 years of marriage goes in the books on Friday.

San Diego, Poway, Phoenix, Ahwatuckee, Chandler, Gilbert. Four kids, eight homes, four dogs, two cats, lizards, snakes, hamsters, goldfish, hermit crabs, parakeets, etc. It hasn’t been easy. When I hear someone say that they have the “perfect marriage” I just chuckle…

Before we married, we were high school sweethearts from rival schools in North San Diego county. She was a swimmer, softball, and soccer stud. I was a Street and Smith  All-American in basketball. We camped out for tickets for the 1984 World Series between the Padres and Tigers. We slept on the Pasadena sidewalks before the Rose Parade. She trained dolphins and I hosted a daily show just as sports talk radio became a “thing”.  When I came to her about interest from Phoenix, my opening line was “the dolphin training industry is a little light in Arizona”…

I thought I was going to lose her in October 2004. A medical emergency happened during the delivery of our fourth child. I wasn’t sure if mom or baby were going to make it. Hearing a doctor yell out “code pink, code blue” will never leave my mind, we had lost our best friend in tragic circumstance just three months earlier. A defining moment in my life about priorities and balance…

She’s a great mom, a Proverbs 31 wife and a terrific friend. To say I married “up”, would be selling her short.

Thanks “Schu”…




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