A quick read of Adam Turner’s resume would leave a person nodding: He’s been preparing all his life to become president of the Valley of the Sun Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame.
The NFF is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting all that is positive within the game of football, in particular acknowledging excellence in the classroom and dedication to community service exhibited by football-playing youngsters in local high schools all across the nation. The national organization administers the Hall of Fame, located in Atlanta.
Mr. Turner, whose family resides in Chandler, Arizona, recently accepted the presidential gavel from Janie Riddle, whose devoted, decade-long leadership inspired the members of the Valley chapter, one of the largest of the 120 in the country. As chapter president, Turner will preside over his first board of directors meeting in mid-August.
“Our chapter’s charitable efforts owe a great deal to Janie,” says Turner. “Our scholarship dollar-amount presented to Valley youngsters at our annual Scholar-Athlete Banquet reached the second-highest in the nation under her watch.”
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